Meeting documents

  • Meeting of Environment and Living Scrutiny Committee, Tuesday 8th December 2015 6.30 pm (Item 3.)

The Committee will receive a presentation on Domestic Violence and Abuse from Buckinghamshire County Council.  The Domestic Violence and Abuse Strategy 2015-2018 is attached.


Contact Officer: Kay Aitken (01296) 585005




The Environment and Living Scrutiny Committee received a presentation from the Community Safety Manager who gave an update on Domestic Violence and Abuse in Aylesbury Vale.  It was noted that domestic violence was underreported.  It was estimated that a person would be the victim of an average of thirty five incidents of domestic violence before making an official complaint.  Buckinghamshire County Council led on domestic violence, and employed a Domestic Violence Coordinator.  Independent Domestic Violence Advocates (IDVA) were also available to assist victims through the court process.


One Councillor questioned whether there was budget sharing between the authorities regarding preventative work.  The ongoing cost of the effect of domestic violence was huge and impacted on many service areas.  Reducing the demand on these services by investing in preventative measures could lead to future savings.   It was noted that there was no calculation regarding investment in prevention, but that strategies highlighting risk areas were developed.  The Police and Crime Commissioner funds most of the work.  Aylesbury Vale District Council would contribute to services within the district, and would also take part in awareness raising campaigns.  Council employees would be made aware of warning signs of domestic violence, as many services areas interacted with members of the public.


It was questioned whether the Fresh Start initiative could be considered a success.  Councillors were advised that the scheme was being evaluated.  Officers would ask that Buckinghamshire County Council Officers share the results of the evaluation with the scrutiny committee. 


Support was available for victims of domestic violence and abuse.  IDVAs would support victims before the trial, as a victim may change their mind during the time it may take for a case to be heard in court.  It is possible for prosecutions to take place without the testimony of the victim, but it was noted that this was difficult.  It was noted that of 637 reported domestic violence cases in Aylesbury Vale since April 2015, 36% had resulted in a positive outcome with the offender being charged.  This was higher than the average in the Thames Valley Police Area. 25% of incidents were reported by repeat victims. 


Domestic violence and abuse was noted to impact every level of society, and it was not possible to label a particular age, race or social class as being at a higher risk.  It was asked whether there was a correlation between domestic violence and drug and alcohol use and Councillors were advised that there was no evidence that drug or alcohol use caused domestic violence.


In cases where a victim decides not to prosecute the individual would remain on the police radar.  Information and evidence would be retained, and this included footage from police body worn cameras.  Victims would also be referred to partner organisations.  Work was also undertaken to contact hard to reach groups.  Women’s Aid employed an outreach worker from the Asian community to carry out work with the Mosque.


Children were often present in homes were there were incidents of domestic violence, and it was noted that, if they were at risk of harm, they may be removed from the home by the police.  Any incidents where children were present would also be reported to Buckinghamshire County Council.  Children taken away from their homes may be placed into care, and may suffer ongoing emotional problems.


The Citizens Advice Bureaus in Aylesbury and Buckingham reported that a number of domestic violence and abuse victims also had financial and housing problems.  It was questioned whether Aylesbury Vale District Council had been correct to reduce the grant given to these organisations.  The Cabinet Member for Leisure, Communities and Civic Amenities advised the committee that it had been a difficult decision to reduce the grant.  The two organisations had been asked to look at working more closely together to achieve economies.  It was noted that both Citizen Advice Bureaus had applied to the Aylesbury Vale Lottery for funding.




That the Domestic Violence and Abuse update be noted.


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